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Submersible Depth and Level Transmitter

(Cảm biến đo mức dựa vào nguyên lý đo chênh lệch áp suất)

Model: L727 (Explosion Proof Head Type) + L127 (Extension Cable Type)

Model: L727 (loại phòng chống nổ) + L127 (dây nối dài)


- High precision and fully submersible depth & level transmitters (Độ chính xác cao)
- All stainless steel 316 construction (100% làm bằng inox 316)
- Measuring ranges from 0.1 to 35kgf/cm2 (dãy đo từ 0.1 đến 35Kgf/cm2)
- Tow-wire loop powered 4~20mA DC output signal (tín hiệu ra 4~20mA DC)
- Excellent accuracy and long term stability (độ chính xác và bền cao)
- 300% proof pressure (chịu áp tối đa lên đến 300%)
- Excellent urethane extension cable with vented tube (dây nối dài bền chắc)


Any environment where reliable 4~20mA continuous level measurement in (dùng cho tất cả các ứng dụng mà tín hiệu 4-20mA có thể thông suốt);
- Ground and surface water monitoring (điều khiển trên mặt đất hoặc bề mặt nước)
- Water supply and reservoirs controls (điều khiển cấp thoát nước)
- Deep well measurements (đo độ sâu)
- Geomorphological investigations of ground water elevation (khám phá địa chất lỏng)
- Well and borehole probe (đo mức giếng)
- Water filtration plants and waste water treatment (xử lý nước thải)


L100 series submersible depth and level transmitters with a reliable vented cable meet IP68 requirements for permanent submersion. They are specially designed for applications where access for installation is restricted and continuous level measurement of liquids in various ranges to a maximum equivalent of 350 meters of hydrostatic water pressure such as deep wells or buried storage vessels.


The transmitter has a perfect water resistant, stainless steel housing for complete protection from harsh environments and its 4~20mA current output is ideal for remote monitoring of both primary and secondary process variables. The transmitters are available as absolute or relative pressure with either 2-wire current or 3-wire voltage output.


The pressure to be measured acts through thin corrosion resistant stainless steel 316L diaphragm on a silicon measuring element. The pressure transmitting medium is silicon oil. The measuring element contains diffused piezoresistive resistors which are connected into a Wheatstone bridge.


The output signal of this bridge is temperature compensated and converted into a standardized current or voltage output signal.



Range : 0~0.1 to 0~35bar (dãy đo: 0~0.1 đến 0~35Bar)
Accuracy : 0.25% FSO (cấp chính xác: 0.25% toàn dãy)
Output : 4~20mA (tín hiệu ra: 4~20mA)
Operating temperature range : -40~125℃ (dãy nhiệt độ hoạt động: -40~125°C)
Enclosure rating : IP68 (cấp bảo vệ: IP68)


Download:  CATALOG 

Tải về:  CATALOG 


Xuất xứ: WISE / Korea

BH: 12 tháng

Cảm biến mức L727 + L127 (phòng nổ)

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